Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity Church
A Traditional Roman Catholic Church
Sun, March 30, 2025, 4th Sunday in Lent + Holy Rosary, Gospel & Sermon 10 AM
A Traditional Roman Catholic Church
Sun, March 30, 2025, 4th Sunday in Lent + Holy Rosary, Gospel & Sermon 10 AM
Sun, March 30, 2025, 4th Sunday in Lent at 10 AM + Holy Rosary, Gospel & Sermon of Fr. Leonard Goffine
Please join us in adoring Our Divine Lord Jesus Christ the King in the Most Holy Sacrament of Altar while praying a Holy Rosary Hour daily during the week Mon - Sat and Sun at 10AM for: the all the graces that we and our families need to become the saints that we are called to be, and fthe conversion of sinners, the relief of the poor souls in Purgatory; and for the reign of Jesus Christ the King over our nation and all nations, and for a true Pope, and a Catholic bishop and priests to help us.
You are encouraged to listen to the following excellent Sermon of the Cure of Ars – Saint John Marie Vianney:
Holy Family (Family life in a disturbed and wavering condition. Example of the Holy Family … Threefold mission of the family…)
''One day through the Rosary and Scapular, I will save the world." + Blessed Virgin Mary to Saint Dominic
If you're new to the Church, welcome! Please read the dress code. When coming from a different church, such as a Vatican II Church or a church in union with it, one should learn, understand, and make the Tridentine Profession of Faith found on our website: https://olmhtchurch.org/profession-of-faith and if you wish, request to be registered in this Church.
The Penny Catechism and the Roman Catechism found on our website will be helpful to learn to make the Tridentine Profession of Faith.
"One Lord, one faith, one baptism" [Eph 4:5] We believe in Jesus, His Church, and His Words:
"Jesus answered: Amen, amen I say to thee, unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Ghost, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. [...] Wonder not, that I said to thee, you must be born again." [Jn 3:5,7] "He that believeth and is baptized, shall be saved: but he that believeth not shall be condemned." [Mk 16:16]
Jesus declared: "He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them; he it is that loveth me. And he that loveth me, shall be loved of my Father: and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him. [Jn 14: 21]
Jesus emphasized: "He that loveth me not, keepeth not my words. And the word which you have heard, is not mine; but the Father's who sent me." [Jn 14: 24]
Nicene Creed of the Tridentine Profession of Faith: "I confess one baptism for the remission of sins..."
Pope St. Leo the Great, Letter 16, Oct. 21, 447: #7 "... the power by which they are reborn of the Holy Ghost, of whom it is said, 'who were born, not of blood, nor of the desire of the flesh, nor of the desire of man, but of God' (John 1:13)."
Pope Pius XII, Mystici Corporis Christi,
# 22, June 29, 1943:
“Actually only those are to be included as members of the Church who have received the laver of regeneration and profess the true faith...”
"God is a spirit; and they that adore him, must adore him in spirit and in truth." [St. John 4: 24]
On July 13, 1917, Our Blessed Lady of the Rosary at Fatima said to the three children, “You have seen hell where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them, God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart.”
REFUTING 25 claims of baptism OF desire OR BLOOD
Download PDFYou are encouraged to take or promote the:
Modesty Pledge
or the Pledge of Modesty below and/or commit to praying the daily Rosary of at least five or preferably 15 decades or more per day, or at least pray three Hail Marys daily to avoid mortal sin, or other extra prayers in honor of our Blessed Mother daily, such as the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary, or wearing the Brown Scapular for 24 hours a day, as it is a garment of grace and sign of salvation.
Pledge of Modesty
"I believe in the virtue of modesty as the guardian of chastity. I pledge myself to live and fight for the ideals of the virtue of purity and the observance of modesty. In particular, I pledge myself to live and fight for more decency in the printed and spoken word, and for a Mary-like modesty in dress and action. I promise also to set an example for my family and my associates, and to let others know where I stand in such matters, in the hope of leading them to greater purity of life. I hope to maintain these ideals by cultivating a strong personal devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary."
Amen +
St Alphonsus' Sermon: Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost:
On Impurity
An Aspiration to the Eternal Father to be Frequently Recited during the Day
Eternal Father, we offer Thee the Holy Face of Jesus, covered with blood, sweat, dust and spittle in reparation for the crimes of communists, blasphemers, and for the profaners of the Holy Name and of the Holy Day. Amen.
Scanlan, (2012). The Golden Arrow. TAN Books.
“Those who die wearing this scapular shall not suffer eternal fire!”
–Our Lady to St. Simon Stock
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